SENSITIVE DIET GOAT - Highly digestible premium food for food-sensitive dogs
Complete feed for adult dogs
SENSITIVE DIET GOAT - an extraordinary recipe: high-quality proteins from goat meat meal, nutrients and vital substances from millet and amaranth as well as the easily digestible root vegetable parsnip. For best compatibility in dogs with food allergies, this sensitive recipe also deliberately dispenses with frequently used food substances. Essential fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, but also vital substances such as zinc, biotin and B vitamins are of enormous importance for skin health and are therefore contained in particular quantities. Due to the easily digestible nutrients, the careful composition and the appropriate fibre content, the feed can be recommended for all sensitive dogs, but also for sensitive gastrointestinal systems and skin irritations.
Cereals (millet, amaranth), meat and animal derivatives (goat meat meal), oils and fats, vegetables (parsnip*), derivatives of vegetable origin (cellulose), minerals, *dried
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